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Will Passenger Drone Tourism become a Thing?

Will Passenger Drone Tourism become a Thing_

Polaris Market research predicts that the passenger drone segment of the drone industry will experience exponential growth over the next 6 years. With the decline in drone costs and advancement in drone technology passenger drones are predicted to become more mainstream. Will Passenger Drone Tourism become a thing for leisure travelers?

Popularity of Drones Fuels Innovation in New Verticals

The rise of drone related travel is indisputable. With the proliferation of affordable travel drones, it is easier now more so than ever to afford a drone and travel with that drone.

Be sure to check out our guide to picking the Best Travel Drone here

Drone travel, however, has thus far largely been relegated to smaller quadcopters that are flown by travelers at their destination. The use of manned drones in the vacation or leisure sectors has yet to become a real thing. The operative word is yet.

The aforementioned Polaris Market research study notes”

The growing urban population, and increasing need to travel cheaper, faster and cleaner has accelerated the passenger drone market growth. The growing urban population and their aspiration to avoid traffic congestion are factors expected to provide growth opportunities to the passenger drone market during the forecast period. The increasing global demand of intelligent technologies that reduce emissions and provide higher energy efficiency would drive the passenger drone market growth during the forecast period.

Use cases for passenger drones are obvious, but include things like:

These practical uses of manned drones are natural uses cases for drone technology. But, as is usually the case with major technological advances the next wave of uses cases are often consumer oriented non-critical, “fun” uses cases.

As the technology, safety, innovation and popularity of manned drones continues to rise over the next few years, expect a subsequent rise of passenger drone tourism and passenger drone vacations.

Picture from EHang

Passenger Drone Tourism – what the future might look like in a world with Passenger Drone Vacations

Passenger Drone Tourism / Passenger Drone Vacations could prove to be a boon to local tour operators as drone costs continue to decrease, safety increases and overall drone acceptance rises. Here are a few potential ideas of what a drone tourism industry could bring:

For now, the barrier to entry for manned drones is and remains cost and safety. But, these barriers are rapidly dropping. As they drop, expect entrepreneurs to invest in drone vacations and drone tourism in general.

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It remains an exciting time for the drone industry. Uses cases for drones continue to evolve with more and more creative ways to use them becoming not only thinkable, but doable.

Drone Tourism and the related cottage industries will become a thing. It’s simply a matter of time.

Please check out these great articles including more travel drone related content, travel tips and more.